Friday, April 11, 2014

What is it that you desire most?

Hello readers! 

I hope everyone has had an awesome Friday! Fridays are great. I usually have them off but today I had to work. I worked 50.5 hours this week! My usual work week is around 40. So I'm looking forward to my next paycheck ;) And sleeping tonight. 

By the way, today I tried really hard to eat well and drink lots of water. I'm feeling so much better. Also, I'm a true believer in using essential oils. I mentioned I'll be rubbing lavender oil on my feet at night to help me sleep, but I also was given some lemon grass oil to help with my swollen lymph nodes. OH MY GOSH. I cannot believe how big of a difference it has made using it already! They are still a little swollen and tender, but overall they are feeling so much better. I love that the oils are natural. Also, it smells like lemon candy. Like a lemon sucker or something. Tasty! ;)

So the main reason for this post is to share this video. It is a Thai commercial that has been going around Facebook recently and it's SO good!!! It made me tear up. Why can't America make more commercials like this? It is so well done and has such a great message. 

The video/commercial is titled "What is it that you desire most?" It really gives a great perspective on serving others and sacrificing your time and even your things in order to benefit others and yourself. You should watch it real fast! It only takes a little over three minutes.

Watching the video also made me really think about what I desire most. (Crazy right? Why would it make me think about that? ;-) )

Anyways, here are a few things that I desire most in my life: 
  • I desire to have those around me to feel like they're loved and appreciated. I just love my husband, my family and my friends so much!
  • I desire to have a great relationship with my Heavenly Father.
  • I desire to be successful in my career, school, and everyday life.
  • I desire to have a few kids one day and raise them with confidence!
  • I desire to have a comfortable lifestyle so that I will be able to support my future kids in whatever ambitions that they have.
  • I desire to have a few kids one day and raise them with confidence!
  • I desire to have a comfortable lifestyle so that I will be able to support my future kids in whatever ambitions that they have.
  • I desire to be healthy, strong, and active.
  • I desire to have a strong self-esteem and love myself no matter what.
  • I desire to spread positivity where ever I go.
I know that some of these things are extremely cheesy sounding, but I can honestly say that each of those things are things that I strive to do each day. I fall short sometimes and then sometimes I feel like I succeed at them. But I think that if we have goals or things to strive and desire for it will bring good into the world. Also, if we try to not think selfishly, we will be blessed and we can do so much good for other people!

So you don't have to answer this like outloud, but what is it that you desire most? I think it's a great personal question to think about!

I hope you enjoyed the video! Have a great weekend!


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