Sunday, April 27, 2014

Productive Weekend for ME!

This weekend has seriously been great. I love Sunday nights where I feel like I accomplished things over the weekend and spent my time wisely!

Friday I woke up around the time Jake left for work and was bound and determined to have a productive day around the house because it had been a while since I had felt caught up. I sat down to eat some breakfast and about half way through the power goes out. We live in a basement. So when the power goes out it is DARK. Also, how was I going to catch up on laundry, run the dishwasher, vacuum, etc.? I was bummed. I called the power company to find out the expected time for it to be back on and they said to expect it around 5:00 p.m. 5:00 P.M.!!!!!! I went into my room and started reading on my Kindle all bummed out because I was so excited to be productive and I ended up falling back asleep. I woke up at 12:30 with the power on! YAY! Except that I didn't want to get out of bed anymore. I was about to text my sister to say that I was having such a lazy day when I just thought, "NO. Get up Lara. The day didn't got quite as you planned but you can still be productive."

So I got up, got dressed, made a "to do" list and GOT BUSY! I cleaned our apartment (like spring cleaned) and caught up on all our laundry. It felt so great! I got most of the things on my list done! I'm so glad I didn't just stay in bed and be lazy.

Then yesterday we woke up early and drove to Thanksgiving Point to run a 5K with our great friends, The Withers. It was pouring rain and freezing cold (when we weren't running), but it was so FUN! The boys left us girls in the dust at the beginning because of their craziness, but we (the girls) still finished with a good time! It felt so great to cross a finish line. That won't be my last 5K this year. I have a lot more motivation to keep working out and improve my time for the next one I run!

Here are some pictures of us post-run:

                                                                                                                ^^^^^^^This is Chelsea. She's awesome :)

Then today we had Stake Conference so we got out of church early :) I worked on a blanket that needed some repairing that is for my future niece and it was so much fun to sew and be productive in that way. I love sewing!

Anyways, it feels so great to know that I'll wake up tomorrow with the house in order and with a productive weekend behind me. It really makes for a less stressful work week!

I hope you had a great weekend :)



  1. You didn't mention being insanely jealous of us here in California! LIES.

  2. You are AWESOME :) SO proud of us, and I'm ready to run a 10k! haha. Love you lots and lots :)
